Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm so bad.....

I'm sorry, I find myself frequently forgetting that I have a blog! It's been a blur of activity still. Micah continues with his therapies 4 times a week, though this week is spring break, so no therapy. He's doing soooo well with it! He has a new AVT therapist who is a bundle of energy. Micah responded to her from the get-go, which is certainly a blessing. As for new words in his vocabulary, he can now tell us when he's stuck "says stuck", says his older brother's name (I'm told this, at least). He talks all the time, even if his processors aren't on him. He still pulls them off when he's angry. No surprise there, there, though. That boy is very strong-willed! He's learning to dress and undress himself. He's also telling me when he wants his diaper changed. I keep trying to put him on the potty, but he hasn't peed or pooped on it yet.

Jacob is still trying to talk in complete sentences. He also will now tell me if he is poopied and wanting a diaper change. But, alas, no success with getting him to pee or poop on the potty----though last night he peed on the floor in front of the potty, lol. Jacob is still very much enjoying Micah's therapy sessions. He loves to answer questions for the therapist. He seems to be not as distracting during the sessions now (at least when I'm home). I seem to be missing about 50% of the sessions due to my work schedule, which I have no control over. I'm just thankful that progress is being made. That's what's important!

The boys' second birthday is coming up in less than two weeks. My, how fast these past two years have flown! I've survived the first two years with twins! WooHoo!!! They no longer look like babies. They look like adorable little boys, which I'm sure you'll see in the video clip ;-)