Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back to the daily grind....

Speech therapy sessions started again this week after a nice 3 wk. break for the holidays. And, the boys look like they've come down with chicken pox. It doesn't look bad at all, just a few spots that are scabbing over, and some fussiness from just not feeling so well. There aren't really even enough spots to take pictures of.

On a lighter note, it sure is nice to have some sunshine again! We've had cloudy days for a couple of weeks now with some occasional rain here and there. I feel like I have more energy when the sun is shining. It really does affect my moods when it's overcast.

Jacob seemed to really enjoy The Land Before Time today. Before this, he didn't really pay attention to the movie. It's such a cute movie! Micah is just feeling really snuggly. Of course, you won't hear any complaints about that from me!

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